Post A Message

Please use the comment form below to post any messages. Of if you’d like to send a private message, you can mail her a card at:

Munson Medical Center
Jeannie Stearns – Room C4611A
1105 Sixth St.
Traverse City, Mi 49684-2386

Thank you.

20 thoughts on “Post A Message

  1. Lei

    I say a prayer right now in Jesus name that all ur needs be met in everyway need be. May u be comforted in anyway u need too. Lord just touch her body and let ur will be done. May all the funds that are need come pouring in. I also ask for u to be with the family as they all go through this. I pray this in Jesus name Amen. May u all be Blessed..

  2. Danielle

    May god be with you, and may he light the way that needs to be lit for you in this time in your life. I send you thoughts of healing and love. Bless you!

  3. Rob

    Though we’ve never really met, I can tell a lot about you by who I do know- your wonderful kids Noah and Rachel. I met Noah and Rachel via working with them at Best Buy, and am proud to call them friends. They are two of the most genuine, kind and accepting people I have ever met, and for that I know that you must be equally as great, if not more so. Please know that you have many who care, and many who are wishing you the best even though we may not have formally met. I hope this finds you well, and that you have the strength and courage to make it through this difficult journey… though gauging how your kids describe your spirit, I don’t think that will be a problem. Take care, and have a safe and speedy road back to health.

  4. Patsy Conklin

    Hi Jeannie! I have been thinking of you everyday and wondering how you are. You are so strong and know you can get through this! You are such a fighter and such a positive person and deserve the best! I miss seeing your smile and having good conversations with you. Good luck and keep the faith!

  5. Alise Nilsson

    Much love to you and your family. If there is strength in numbers, know that the world is on your side! Myself included. Thinking of you.

    Keep your chin up :)


    1. Darlene Borths

      Hi Jeannie,
      I am so sorry I haven’t emailed you sooner, but you have been in our prayers since the beginning for a full recovery.
      You take care now,

      Mike and Dar

  6. Tammy Talboys

    My aunt jeannie has always had a special place in my heart since i was a young girl! She is the most amazing person, always had time for me growing up! It is time to pay this forward to her. Im so heart broken right now. My thoughts and prayers are with You….I love you aunt jeannie, i will see u soon!

  7. Sarah Falter

    Hello Jeannie. We’ve only met a few times but I know you are a wonderful person. Noah has been such a great friend in my life and I know the man he turned out to be is a reflection upon you. I wanted you to know my thoughts are with your and your family as you journey through this difficult time. Stay strong and I will be hoping for an easier road ahead for you.

  8. Terry and Patti Stillin

    Jeanie, our family is saddened with the news of your current struggles. When we are weak, that is when God is strong. May the cleansing blood of Jesus renew your body and mind! We’ll look forward to Spring with you.
    Terry and Patti Stillin family, Pam Barnett

  9. claudia

    Jeannie, I am remembering the many times we took each others children to play or to camp or to the many other events they participated in. I have such fond memories of the two of us going to all the gardening spots in both Traverse City and all of Leelanau County. We would talk about our children and our lives. i will think about you during this very difficult time you are having and hope you may remember our times together and smile.

  10. George Piliouras

    Hi Jeannie, While I don’t know you, I do know you through your daughter, Rachel. I was honored to have Rachel in some of my classes at CCS. She spoke so highly of you and had fond memories of growing up in Northern MI, one of my favorite vacation spots with my family. I will pray for you- for strength, full recovery and God’s grace for you as you heal. ” Be not afraid, for I am with you, says the Lord.” God Bless you and thank you for raising such a great daughter.- George

  11. David Graves

    Hello Jeannie,

    My name is David Graves. I know Noah! He is a hell of man. Really dear friend to me. I have know a lot of people in this position and who have fought the good fight :) I know it may be easier said than done but please know to keep your chin up! Keep smiling. A positive outlook and just keeping positive will help so much :) I am always here to help you all out! Please let me know

  12. Kat

    Hi Jeannie – I know we haven’t met before, but you have a wonderful daughter who cares for you and so many other people. She was a joy to be around, work with, and a great kindness that she showed so many times. I have been walking/running in the Detroit Komen’s Race for the Cure for the past 13 years and will be doing my first 3 day/60 mile walk for them in Aug. This cause and foundation are truly something near and dear to my heart and I know that as I walk/run the 2 events today I will be proudly thinking of you and praying for a quick recovery for you. I will make sure to add your name to tshirt this year as a way to honor your and proudly fight for a cure. Wishing you much peach, happiness, and care in the coming year.

  13. chris campbell

    Hi Jeannie-I couldnt make the comedy night benefit, but I thought that was such a wonderful idea! I think of you all often, and am so happy to be living back here where people are kind, helpful and smile often! Not the case in a big city! I will always cherish our girls giggling, growing up in such a beautiful place, and your kindness when we had a combined graduation party for the girls at your beautiful place. My heart is heavy since I have come home in that my daughter will not speak to me or see me-such hatred and anger is not her. I’m hoping that she realizes what a gift every day is-never take it for granted. You are a true inspiration!

  14. Shari Hallett

    Can we set up a lunch date whatever works for you, I can pick you up whatever you need,just let me know 231-883 1545. You are in my thoughts daily.We miss you at work!!You are on a prayer list @twscc where I go to church it is a wonderful place. Stay strong and may God give you the strength to get thru this!

  15. Anne

    Hi! I wanted to tell you about something that could help you. Have you heard of Walton Nathealing Centre? The doctors name is Dr. Che. He seems to be helping people with the same leukemia that you have. I just felt you should know. Also cannibis oil might be something to look into. Best wishes!

  16. Richard Stearns

    Thank you for being my wife for 39 years, I miss you so much. We will meet again and be together forever. You are forever in my heart and thoughts.
    Your loving husband,

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