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Fundraiser was a success!

Wow, what an amazing night we had on Friday! The David Graves and the guys from Falling Down Stairs Productions raised over $1700 for my mom. That brings us over $5000 for our total raised since launching this website. Simply amazing! The comedians were so much fun and everyone seemed to have a great time. Right Brain Brewery was a perfect place – it was really kind of them to lend us their space!

falling_down_stairs_productionsABOVE: The crew who made this thing happen!


After the show, mom insisted we send over a ‘Thank You’ video to everyone involved. Below are some screenshots from the video. The full video can be seen here:

Screen shot 2013-04-29 at 1.00.07 PM Screen shot 2013-04-29 at 12.58.14 PM Screen shot 2013-04-29 at 12.57.29 PM Screen shot 2013-04-29 at 12.56.47 PM


Donations – Thank You!

Just wanting to give a big THANKS to everyone who has donated so far!

Daniel Marvin
Alise Nilsson
Kathryn Frank
Esther Johnson
Misty Franklin
Nicholas Marchese
James Drummond
Molly Tipton
Kelly Madigan
Cynthia A Koeze
Korrie Coakley
Bruna Camargo
Susan Holtz
Salina Olmsted
Keith Robinson
Laura Brown
Stephanie Limon
Charles Borths
Patricia Conklin
Kathryn Drummond
Tom Butwin Music
Alisha Olmsted
Leah Kareti
Sarah Falter
Shari Hallett
Claudia Bantel
Valerie Limon
Susan Wilson
Mark Finazzo
David Gordon
Paolo Marchica
Carla Butwin
Laurence Deam
Laura Elias
John Borths
Jane Duperon
Bob & Cookie Borths
Jennifer Mattson
Connie Eggers
Catherine Borths
(Apologies if I missed any names. I know some people have sent money in the mail and I may not have all the names!)

Comedy Show Fundraiser April 26th


For those of you who haven’t already heard, there will be a comedy show fundraiser for Jeannie at Right Brain Brewery at the end of the month! General info is below. For additional info please visit:

Falling Down Stairs Productions Introduces:
Stand Up To Leukemia

Right Brain Brewery
225 E 16th St, Traverse City, MI 49684

April 26th, 2013

8:30 – 11:45

Donations at the door!

Good News!

Sorry I’ve been very busy with work the past week or so, but for anyone who doesn’t already know – Jeannie’s recent chemo treatment was very successful!

The doctors have said that once her white blood cell count gets high enough, she can continue with the stem cell transplant downstate at karmanos. Her spirits are high and so are mine. Thank you again to everyone for all the visits, messages, and donations. We are all so appreciative!

Day 7 Of Chemo

Hi all –

I just thought that I’d send a quick update on my mom. I just got off the phone with her and she sounded good. Her voice is still so soft/quiet that it’s hard to hear! But she said she’s been getting many visitors – and I know she really enjoys it! So thanks to everyone who has been able to stop by, and to everyone who has kept her in their thoughts. I know I’ve said it before, but I really can’t thank everyone enough for being so supportive. Thank you.

Here is an OLD photo of her when she went through her stem cell transplant last time! I think she looks great with no hair! :)



Day 3 of Chemotherapy

March 10, 2013

I just got off the phone with my mom. It sounds like she has had many wonderful visitors to fill the past few days!

An update:
The doctors are currently saying that she has a form of MDS (Myelodysplastic Syndromes) – and while her MDS is at risk of becoming AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia), they are not officially diagnosing her with AML. This is a VERY good thing!!

Day 1 of Chemotherapy

March 8, 2013

Good morning – and thank you again to all who donated or left messages yesterday. This morning Jeannie received another platelet transfusion and she gets a PICC Line put in. (A port that hooks to a vein in her arm and leads right to a large vein near her heart).  Once that’s hooked up, Chemo can begin.

Website Launched

March 7, 2013

The website was officially launched last night. I just want to thank the people who viewed it, as well as those who were able to make donations. It warms my heart and I know know my mom really appreciates it too.

Also while I’m giving thanks this morning, I want to thank all 10 of my moms siblings who tested to try and match as a donor: Joe, John, Jim, Mike, Marge, Richie, Bob, Carmella, Connie, and Charlie. (Did I get everyone?? What a family!) Thank you guys.

An update on Jeannie – She is supposed to check into the hospital today to begin her final month-long session of Chemotherapy. She’s excited to get started, however she has no voice. (but she can whisper!).

Finding A Donor

March 6th, 2012

A few months ago, each of Jeannie’s 10 siblings were tested to see if there was a stem cell match. Three of them passed the first round of testing.

Today they narrowed it down to one sibling as a possible match. If the stem cells aren’t a close enough match – then we’ll have to get on a list for a non-blood related donor. Fingers are crossed!!